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© 2002 Boyd F. Campbell, All
Rights Reserved
Why should I pay a lawyer when I can do it myself?
Because, you can count on a qualified and experienced immigration lawyer to provide you with the following help:
Advise you concerning the latest changes in U.S. immigration law and procedures.
Changes occur often, and major changes have been occurring, both in Congress
and within the INS, at a startling rate.
Help you decide the best course of action, given the facts of your individual
situation, your business interests, or your loved ones.
Represent you before the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) of
the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), and
the U.S. Department of State (DOS), and at U.S. consulates around the world.
Stand with you and represent you for years, if necessary, to get immigration
matters resolved in the face of long INS processing delays.
Advise you every step of the way with regard to the immigration or visa
matters you have asked the lawyer to file for you, or with regard to other
matters concerning your personal life that come up from time to time.
Prepare all legal documents for filing with the INS, the DOL, and the DOS,
along with proper filing fees.
Keep you informed with regard to changes in U.S. immigration law and procedures
that could affect your case as it makes its way through the federal system.
Be there to help you if INS finds something wrong with your case or your
individual situation, and help you resolve the matter with INS.
Stand ready to appeal an adverse INS decision, denying your petition, if
necessary, and advise you on what to do next and how to get what you want.
Remember that the INS considers forms filed with the agency to be legal cases submitted to the agency for adjudication.
I can do it myself
all like to be self-reliant. This feeling starts when we are very
young. Those first baby steps are a way of establishing our independence.
We want to be on our own, to be “in control,” to be in charge of our own
destinies. And with all of the self-help legal materials and kits
now available — in office supply stores, on the Internet, on message boards,
in chat rooms, offered for sale on the World Wide Web and over the radio
— it is certainly possible for people with average intelligence and a little
common sense to complete basic legal transactions on their own. But
carefully consider what you have at stake — that is, think about what you
can afford to lose.
may find that drafting a simple lease, a simple will, or filling out an
IRS Form 1040-EZ is easy, but actually representing yourself in court or
before a government agency may turn out to be more than you bargained for.
If you choose to be your own lawyer, you should at least consult a real
one who practices in the court or before the government agency where you
wish to be (in other words, a lawyer who knows the law and the rules that
you don’t), find out how you might conduct yourself in court or before
the government agency, and learn how to identify the facts, evidence, and
legal issues that you must present there.
please remember that if you represent yourself in court or before a government
agency, you are responsible for doing all of the work. The Internet
or the World Wide Web may be your friend, and you may be a great web surfer,
but the Web won’t do the work for you. This work may include some
or all of the following: completing necessary court documents, forms,
and other paperwork, including pleadings and motions, interviewing witnesses,
gathering sworn affidavits (statements) from witnesses, deciding whom to
“depose” (or to obtain out-of-court oral statements from) making arrangements
with court-reporting services to obtain the out-of-court statements, serving
notices of depositions, serving notices of complaints and hearings, and
making the kinds of judgments and decisions that a lawyer would have helped
you with.
court, judges don’t like to see people represent themselves — other than
in municipal or small claims courts. Judges who preside over higher
courts (such as district, superior, or circuit courts) are used to talking
with lawyers in a “legal shorthand” that moves the cases along and at least
gives the judges the feeling they are getting things done.
contrast, administrative or government agency bureaucrats do not want to
see or speak with lawyers. Lawyers tend to scare and intimidate them.
Government bureaucrats know that people who seek benefits from them will
not know what to do if their benefits are denied. If they are represented
by lawyers, on the other hand, the people’s lawyers can make trouble for
the bureaucrats by taking legal steps to appeal or reverse their decisions.
if you are not experienced with legal matters, it will likely take a long
time to understand the legal issues in the case and how the facts and evidence
apply to those issues and how the judge or government bureaucrat will consider
them. It will also take you a bit longer to handle the transaction
yourself. If you are under a time limitation or don't have the personal
time to spare in taking matters into your own hands, you may not find it
worth the cost in your own time and effort. Besides, it is what you
know that will likely hurt you or a loved one.
feel confident you can “do it yourself”? Please remember this:
Smart people know when they need a lawyer.
Why should you hire a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association to help you? CLICK HERE
Immigration "consultants" and "notarios" hurt people. They should be avoided. CLICK HERE and HERE. (Note: Clicking on these links will take you away from the Immigration Law Center on the Internet.)
Federal judges write:
"[T]his is immigration law where the issues are seldom simple and the answers are far from clear." Alanis-Bustamente v. Reno, 201 F.3d 1303 (11th Cir. 2000)
"Whatever guidance the regulations furnish to those cognoscenti familiar with INS procedures, this court, despite many years of legal experience, finds that they yield up meaning only grudgingly and that morsels of comprehension must be pried from mollusks of jargon." Kwon v. INS, 646 F.2d 909,919 (5th Cir. May 1981)
Here is our warning again: Your friends, relatives, and co-workers are good sources of bad advice about immigration law and procedures. If you really want to know what to do about an immigration or visa situation, please consult a qualified immigration lawyer. If you don't know one, call the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) in Washington, D.C., at (202) 216-2400.
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Law Center, L.L.C.
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Montgomery, Alabama 36111-0032
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